Tuesday 11 October 2011


What is a tumor?
The abnormal growth of body tissues result in tumor. Tumors could be malignant or benign. The cancerous tumors are known as malignant and non-cancerous are called benign. Cells in the body die after getting aged. The old cells are replaced by new cells. Some problem occurs with the division of cells and as a reaction the aged calls do not decay when required. The old cells accumulate in the form of growth in different parts of the body. The disturbance in the division and death of cells makes tumors that can either harm our body or not.
Causes of tumors

Tumors often result as problems in the immune system. Tobacco is also a significant cause of killing people with cancer than any other pollutant from the environment. There are also other causes of tumors: excessive use of alcohol, exposure to excessive sun light, inhalation of benzene and other toxic substances, genetic problems, radiation, obesity and inactivity. Tumors can also be developed by the viruses. Cervical cancer results from a virus and so does hepatitis B.

It is interesting to reveal that tumors are gender related. Some diseases are more common in one gender than in the opposite. Tumors also depend on the age, such as childhood and adulthood. Family history, diet and environment are also contributing factors.
Symptoms of tumors

The symptom of tumor depends on their location, type, size, nature and some ther contributing factors. The symptoms can be different for different types such as colon cancer affects weight,

Symptoms depend on the type and location of the tumor. For example, lung tumors may cause coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, while tumors of the colon can cause weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, iron deficiency anemia, and blood in the stool.

Some tumors can give away no symptoms at all where others give symptoms. Some common symptoms of tumors are: fatigue, night sweat, chills, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss and malaise.
Treatment of tumors

Just like the symptoms, signs of a tumor depend on the situation of a tumor. After the discovery of a tumor biopsy is done to determine the type of the tumor: whether it is malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). The complexity of biopsy depends upon the type of tumor as well as its placement. To find the location of a tumor and its spread CT scans and MRI are also used. For certain types of tumors more recently positron emission tomography (PET) is performed.

The treatment of tumors is also related to the type of tumor. If the tumor is benign it offers no threats of spread and in case the tumor is located in a safe area it will offer no symptoms or threats to other organs and at times no treatment is needed.

Benign tumors are often treated or removed due to cosmetic reasons. The benign tumor of brain is removed because of potential threats it offers to the brain tissue sin its surroundings and the critical location.

In case of malignant tumor the treatment may include chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, at times a combination of all three methods. Surgery is used to remove a malignant tumor that is confined to only one location. The tumor that has spread to the nearby lymph nodes can also be removed by surgery. Lymphoma is usually not treated with surgery it is only in rare cases. For such cases radiation and chemotherapy is used.

The outlook of various tumors is different from each other. The outlook of a benign tumor is usually very good. However, one can not neglect the fact that the placement of benign tumor can also offer serious threats like brain benign tumor.

In case of a malignant tumor the outcome is directly related to the time and stage at which the tumor is discovered. There are some cancers that are curable. Those cancers that are not treatable can still be treated to impart the patient with long life. However there are life threatening tumors.

The complications offered by a tumor are related to its location in the body where it affects the performance of normal body organs. A malignant tumor can offer complication on its spread that is called metastasizes.

The person who feels any kind of lump, bumps, mole or any unusual and suspicious signs on your skin or any part of body must consult the health acre provider.
Concluding Words

The risk of cancerous tumor can be reduced by a number of factors. We have encompassed some steps that a person can adapt to significantly reduce the risk factor. Eating a healthy diet along with regular exercise is the most vital prevention for all kinds of diseases. Limiting the use of alcohol will be also helpful. Maintaining one’s weight can save one from not only tumors but also potential diseases like diabetes and blood pressure. Limiting the exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals also saves one from cancerous tumors. Chewing tobacco and smoking also offers threats to develop cancer. For those people who burn easily reducing the exposure to sun will be helpful.

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